Home maintenance advice
How to fix common lock problems
12 Apr 2017 • 5 minutes

Having a functioning door lock is essential to the safety of us and our friends and family. This means that when there is a problem with a lock, it is important to get it sorted out as soon as possible, so that we can continue to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
Door locks, like any other mechanism, can stop working properly at inopportune times. If you’re having issues with a lock then this article could help you to solve the problem.
Although some lock problems can only be solved with the work of a professional locksmith, there are a few common lock problems that can sometimes be fixed at home following our guidance below.
If you’re having difficulty operating the key in a lock then there are some simple steps that might free things up.
The first step is to make sure you’re using the right key! If you need to lift the handle before locking, try pushing it down then lifting again.
Lubricate the lock by spraying a little graphite into the cylinder.
If these methods don’t work then it’s a good idea to call a locksmith. A stiff key could mean that your lock is in need of replacing.
Grip the key firmly and with your other hand push around the keyhole. If you can’t get a good grip try using pliers, but remember to be gentle to avoid damaging the lock.
If the key won’t come out then you will need to call a professional locksmith so they can remove it without damaging your lock and door.
If the key turns but doesn’t lock or unlock the door then this usually means that an internal mechanism has failed. Call a professional locksmith to solve this problem.
If you can’t get your key in the lock then the first thing to check is that you’re using the right key.
If it’s very cold then the lock might be frozen. Gently heat the key and insert it gradually into the keyhole. Repeat heating and inserting until the ice has melted. Be careful as this method could result in a stuck or broken key.
Lubricate the lock by spraying a little graphite into the cylinder.
If you have a new key it might have rough spots that need to be filed off. Ask a key manufacturer to do this to avoid filing off a vital part of the key.
If you are using the right key but it’s still not working, try using a spare key if you have one available. Keys can sometimes be poorly cut, making them much harder to open any locks.
If none of these steps solve the problem then you may need to have a replacement key made or the lock replaced.
If the door latch doesn’t engage then it may be out of alignment with the strike plate (the bit on the door frame that the bolt goes into). Try the following:
If the door latch is stuck then there are several things that you can check:
Try lifting the door slightly to check that the hinge screws are tight. If the door is out of alignment then the latch will stick.
Check that the strike plate aligns with the latch and bolt. If not, try loosening the screws of the strike plate and adjusting the position slightly.
Spray some graphite into the latch to lubricate it.
Although this might sound like a rare occurrence, it happens to the best of us. If you find yourself in this position then it is important to remember to not lock or unlock your door further as this will make it harder to retrieve the broken key.
If the key is visible, you can attempt to retrieve the key by inserting needle nosed pliers into the keyhole to pull it right out.
If you’re struggling to do this then leave the key where it is as you may be making matters worse. Call a professional locksmith to come out and help you solve this problem.
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